“I feel good every time I see my teeth,” Gloria says these days, though she couldn’t always speak so confidently. She had always felt self-conscious about her smile but didn’t decide to take action until she retired. She saw an ad for Firouzian Dentistry and decided to call. Her life hasn’t been the same since.

A Comfortable Experience

From the very first visit, Gloria knew that she made the right decision. The relaxed and comforting feeling that she had when entering Dr. Michael Firouzian’s office confirmed her choice. “I felt like I was coming home to family,” Gloria shares. “I just love everybody here.”

Best of all, the procedure was relatively painless, using only Novocain. “Dr. Firouzian was very gentle,” says Gloria. “He knew what he wanted to accomplish with each session.” It only took a summer to complete the entire process with appointments that were convenient for her.Originally, she came in wanting Lumineers, but after Dr. Firouzian thoroughly explained the options, Gloria chose a smile makeover with dental crowns to achieve the results that she really desired. Dr. Firouzian then created beautiful natural-looking teeth that Gloria had always wanted in a three-step process – molds, contouring the teeth, and putting on the crowns. The before and after photos speak for themselves.

Would she do it again? Absolutely.  “I love my teeth!” she exclaims. When she looks at herself in the mirror, Gloria loves that her smile is never going to age. She recommends getting a new smile, even if one is in their 50s or 60s.

Another benefit of her new teeth is that it inspired Gloria to make other changes in her life. Because of her new smile, she was motivated to lose 50 pounds and improve her image. Now Gloria looks better than ever and she has Dr. Firouzian and his dedicated staff to thank for her transformation.

Ten Years Younger

Gloria, a patient that got adult bracesOthers noticed her transformation. Gloria adds, “Friends whom I had not seen for a while thought I had a face lift!  One commented that my new smile took ten years off my age … a great compliment at any age!”

Now Gloria has something to smile about, which she does all the time. Her self-consciousness has been erased with her new lease on life. Even her own granddaughter who is undergoing orthodontic treatment admires Gloria’s smile. She told Gloria, “Grandma, I hope my smile can be as beautiful as yours when I’m done.”

Is It Time for Your Smile Makeover?

You can enjoy the benefits of a smile makeover at any age. People in their 50s, 60s, and beyond may enjoy the rejuvenating benefits of a smile makeover, but everyone can see their smile improved. A more attractive smile not only makes you look younger, but it can help improve your personal and professional relationships.

No matter what complaints you may have about your smile, we can design a custom smile makeover that will give you something to smile about, please call (614) 848-5001 for an appointment with Columbus, OH cosmetic dentist Dr. Mike Firouzian today.