Gingivitis is a very common condition, affecting nearly half of all adults in the US. Your risk of the condition also increases as you get older.
So how do you know if you have gingivitis, and when you should see Dr. Mike Firouzian for treatment? This guide will help you understand the condition and when to contact Firouzian Dentistry in Columbus for treatment.
What Is Gingivitis?
Gingivitis is a mild form of periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease. In gum disease, oral bacteria infect the space between your teeth and gums. The acidic secretions from the bacteria irritate your gums and can damage them, causing the space to grow. As your gums pull away from your teeth, the population of bacteria can grow and change. Gingivitis is also a product of your body’s immune response. Many of the symptoms are caused by your immune system.
Who Is at Risk for Gingivitis?
As we noted, gingivitis is very common, but your risk increases if you:
- Are a man
- Are a pregnant woman
- Eat a diet rich in carbohydrates, including added sugars
- Take certain medications
- Don’t practice good home hygiene
- Don’t make regular dental visits
- Have diabetes
- Smoke or use smokeless tobacco products
- Are older
- Are a man
- Are a pregnant woman
- Have diabetes
- Eat a diet rich in carbohydrates, including added sugars
- Smoke or use smokeless tobacco products
- Are older
- Take certain medications
- Don’t practice good home hygiene
- Don’t make regular dental visits
Gingivitis can wax and wane according to various influences. You may have it at various times in your life, then see it go away, only to return later. However, by the time you are in your late 60s, you will likely have the condition and may find it hard to manage.
Symptoms of Gingivitis
Gingivitis symptoms can be subtle at first and can be hard to notice. With gingivitis, you may experience:
- Bleeding gums after brushing, flossing, or eating
- Discolored gums: they are redder than when healthy
- Gums that are tender when touched
- Swollen gums
- Bad breath or a persistent bad taste in the mouth
- Swollen gums
- Discolored gums: they are redder than when healthy
- Gums that are tender when touched
- Bleeding gums after brushing, flossing, or eating
- Bad breath or a persistent bad taste in the mouth
Knowing whether your gums are swollen or discolored can be hard for many people. You might not know what healthy gums look like. Sometimes you can tell if one region of your mouth has gingivitis and another does not–you can tell that one place has redder gums that look puffier. Many people think that it’s normal if gums are tender when touched or that bleeding gums are normal. They are not normal, and if you experience them, you should see your dentist.
Bad breath is normal after eating a meal with strong odors or flavors. However, persistent bad breath is a symptom of poor oral health. It might be an infected tooth rather than gum disease, but it still means that you should see a dentist for treatment.
When to See Dr. Firouzian for Treatment
Gingivitis is a very common and mild disease. You don’t necessarily need to seek emergency treatment when you detect gingivitis symptoms.
You should immediately contact Dr. Firouzian for the next available appointment if you have:
- Not seen a dentist in the last six months
- Health conditions that can be worsened by gum disease, such as diabetes
- Symptoms that prevent you from brushing, flossing, or eating
- Risk factors for serious gum disease
- Symptoms indicating more serious gum disease (see below)
- Not seen a dentist in the last six months
- Risk factors for serious gum disease
- Symptoms that prevent you from brushing, flossing, or eating
- Health conditions that can be worsened by gum disease, such as diabetes
- Symptoms indicating more serious gum disease (see below)
In these cases, you shouldn’t wait to get treatment. Waiting can lead to worsened conditions that put your teeth and your overall health at risk.
However, for many people, gingivitis can be managed at home for a while. Take a little extra care in your oral hygiene routine, especially in the affected areas. Then attend your next regular checkup. Dr. Firouzian can evaluate your gum disease and recommend any additional treatments you might need to manage the condition. At Firouzian Dentistry, we utilize Perio Protect to help people manage persistent, stubborn gum disease.
Beyond Gingivitis: Symptoms of Periodontitis
One of the dangers of gingivitis is that it can worsen into periodontitis, a more serious form of gum disease. Periodontitis is a form of gum disease that leads to tooth loss and can significantly impact your overall health.
Symptoms of periodontitis to watch out for include:
- Gums that bleed spontaneously
- Gums that hurt spontaneously
- An increase in tooth sensitivity to heat and cold
- More food getting stuck between teeth and gums
- Receding gums (teeth look like they’re getting longer)
- Teeth start to drift
- Teeth feel loose
- Gums that bleed spontaneously
- Gums that hurt spontaneously
- An increase in tooth sensitivity to heat and cold
- More food getting stuck between teeth and gums
- Receding gums (teeth look like they’re getting longer)
- Teeth start to drift
- Teeth feel loose
When you experience these symptoms, you should contact Dr. Firouzian immediately. It may take quick action to save your teeth.
Some people have gingivitis for years that never worsens to periodontitis. Other people rapidly progress from gingivitis to periodontitis. Some of this seems to be factors in your control (hygiene, lifestyle factors like smoking and diet, monitoring blood sugar for diabetics). However, there also seems to be a genetic component that influences the severity of gum disease.
Gum Disease Treatment in Columbus
Are you experiencing the symptoms of gingivitis or periodontitis? Dr. Mike Firouzian at Firouzian Dentistry can help.
Please call (614) 848-5001 or use our online form today to request an appointment at our office in the Crosswoods neighborhood.